[Python-Dev] PEP 287 (politics)
Samuele Pedroni
Fri, 5 Apr 2002 14:56:15 +0200
Some humanity (which I appreciate)
instead of a marketing-machine
[Goodger on doc-sig]
>This is a classic chicken-and-egg situation. Without tools, we can't
>get acceptance, but in this case producing the tools is such a big job
>that some form of acceptance up front is needed to keep up enthusiasm
>(mine, if nobody else's). One reason for putting this PEP out there
>now, is that I'm at a point where I've put a lot of work into this
>project, and it's starting to pay off, but I need some reassurance to
>keep me going. I want to know that I'm on the right track, that I'm
>not wasting my time, and getting this PEP accepted would go a long way
>in that direction.
>Even if this PEP is rejected, that will be useful information. If
>accepted, then I can forget about supporting multiple markup parsers
>in Docutils, at least for now. If rejected, support for multiple
>parsers may be its saving grace.
now-I-can-better-relate-with-the-guy,-sincerely y'rs, Samuele Pedroni.