[Python-Dev] Re: Stability and change
Guido van Rossum
Mon, 08 Apr 2002 14:25:51 -0400
> Note that Jim often brings up his opinion that the /only/ way to
> guarantee Zope Z.Y.Z works on Python X.Y.Z is to distribute Python
> with Zope.
But I don't think that's what we do any more. We just tell them to
use 2.1.2.
> (This harkens back to JWZ's much earlier opinion that
> Netscape could never ship using dynamic libraries, because you really
> can't trust anything about the end user's system). We're really
> touching on much deeper flaws in software development, with no good
> answers, IMO.
I've started to call it the Logajan paradox: he wants his cake (zero
backwards incompatibilities) and eat it too (releases with new
features). It can't be done.
--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)