[Python-Dev] Re: PEP Politics
Jeremy Hylton
Tue, 9 Apr 2002 15:03:19 -0400
>>>>> "FLD" == Fred L Drake, <fdrake@acm.org> writes:
FLD> Jeremy Hylton writes:
>> We consider both a set of functional goals and a release
>> schedule. We don't want to make these decisions in isolation.
>> If there are N
FLD> That's right. But we definately determine the release schedule
FLD> without any regard for what else is on our schedule, and we
FLD> don't make changes to the schedule based on what gets added to
FLD> our schedule before we're done.
FLD> Or that's been my perception at least.
We chose a release schedule a few weeks or months after the previous
release, and it always slides. So I think we do adjust the schedule
to some extent. Did we add an extra alpha or beta release of the
type-class unification?
On the other hand, we tend to resist too much slippage after the
schedule has been set. There was definitely a lot of pressure to get
the __future__ stuff for nested_scopes into 2.1 without causing the
schedule to be delayed :-O.