[Python-Dev] Re: Stability and change

Michael Hudson mwh@python.net
10 Apr 2002 10:49:49 +0100

David Ascher <DavidA@ActiveState.com> writes:

> On the topic of unit tests, I wonder if it makes sense to consider a new
> test directory outside of Lib/. As the test suite is beefed up
> (something which I think is a great idea), the disk space requirement
> for the test suite shouldn't be a factor -- the more non-overlapping
> tests the better, period -- but if it's part of the library tree, space
> _should_ be a concern because that stuff gets shipped to the millions of
> users.
> In other words, I'd like to have a test suite outside of what gets
> installed.  The reason for not moving all of it out is that there is
> value in being able to run a post-install test suite, but I don't think
> it needs to be all of the tests.
> Reactions?

Not unless there are tests which require significant diskspace.
Lib/test compresses to about 500k now, in a 6.5 meg tarball.


  at any rate, I'm satisfied that not only do they know which end of
  the pointy thing to hold, but where to poke it for maximum effect.
                                  -- Eric The Read, asr, on google.com