[Python-Dev] iterzip()
Jeremy Hylton
Mon, 29 Apr 2002 16:03:48 -0400
>>>>> "TP" == Tim Peters <tim.one@comcast.net> writes:
TP> Check this out:
TP> """ from time import clock as now
TP> n = 1000000
TP> def juststore(x):
TP> for i in x: x[i] = 0
TP> def justtups(x):
TP> for i in x: 0,
TP> def storetups(x):
TP> for i in x: x[i] = 0,
TP> def run(func):
TP> x = range(n) start = now() func(x) finish = now() print
TP> "%10s %6.2f" % (func.__name__, finish - start)
TP> run(juststore) run(justtups) run(storetups) """
TP> I get:
TP> juststore 0.93
TP> justtups 0.58
TP> storetups 7.61
TP> list.append is out of the picture here. Creating a million
TP> tuples goes fast so long as they're recycled, and storing a
TP> million things goes fast, but storing a million distinct tuples
TP> takes very much longer. It's a Mystery to me so far. How does
TP> it act on Linux?
It acts about the same on Linux.
I don't see why it's a mystery. justtups() only uses one tuple at a
time; it gets re-used from the free list every time. storetups() has
to (py)malloc a new tuple every stinkin' time.
Note that there's a net excess of allocations in the storetup() case,
so we invoke the garbage collector every n/700 times through the
loop. I've noted before that it doesn't make much sense to invoke GC
unless there is at least one deallocation; you can't reclaim anything
if there are no DECREFs.