[Python-Dev] pystone(object)
Jeremy Hylton
Fri, 16 Aug 2002 15:09:17 -0400
Anyone interested in making pystone use a new-style class? I just
tried it and it slowed pystone down by 12%. Using __slots__ bought
back 5%.
On the one hand, we end up comparing the new-style class
implementation of one Python with the classic class version of older
Pythons. On the other hand, we seems to think that new-style classes
are preferred. I think we ought to measure them.
Index: pystone.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/Lib/test/pystone.py,v
retrieving revision 1.7
diff -c -c -r1.7 pystone.py
*** pystone.py 6 Aug 2002 17:21:20 -0000 1.7
--- pystone.py 16 Aug 2002 18:49:56 -0000
*** 40,46 ****
[Ident1, Ident2, Ident3, Ident4, Ident5] = range(1, 6)
! class Record:
def __init__(self, PtrComp = None, Discr = 0, EnumComp = 0,
IntComp = 0, StringComp = 0):
--- 40,46 ----
[Ident1, Ident2, Ident3, Ident4, Ident5] = range(1, 6)
! class Record(object):
def __init__(self, PtrComp = None, Discr = 0, EnumComp = 0,
IntComp = 0, StringComp = 0):