[Python-Dev] RE: how to kill process on Windows started with os.spawn?

Skip Montanaro skip@pobox.com
Mon, 2 Dec 2002 12:36:47 -0600

    >> In my environment I need to tunnel SB's pop3proxy app through an ssh
    >> connection.  

    Tim> Why do you need to kill a process externally?  For example, why
    Tim> can't you make "please stop now" a part of the protocol, so that a
    Tim> process can terminate itself gracefully when told to?

I start the background ssh process from within pop3proxy, so it seems to me
I ought to be the one to terminate it.  As for protocol, I'm not aware of
another way to terminate a running ssh other than to call kill(2) with a
specified signal.  That's more-or-less the Unix way.  I don't have the
luxury of modifying ssh to understand some application-specific protocol.
