[Python-Dev] New and Improved Import Hooks

Just van Rossum just@letterror.com
Tue, 3 Dec 2002 11:37:51 +0100

Martin v. L=F6wis wrote:

> > And then it still does many things that "aren't clearly needed".
> Yes, but these are mostly reorganizations of stuff, eg. pieces of a
> function moved into functions of their own. This is, in general, a good
> thing, as it improves readability of the resulting code (not of the
> patch, though).

Besides bloat, my main objection to the patch is that it refactors import=
.c in a
way that's not general enough and actually make import.c more complex tha=
needed. This is IMO a bad thing.

> > The complexity is inherent *because* there's no import hook mechanism
> > that's even remotely usable from C. My patch changes that.
> I would expect that the complexity is inherent in "we implement our own
> file system" (i.e. zipfiles). So I don't trust promises that a great ne=
> framework will make things simpler, unless proven wrong, by seeing
> actual things that become actually simpler.

True. See below.

> > No it doesn't. It just means that a little more work is needed.
> The current patch was sitting on SF for almost a year, and nobody even
> looked at it. How many more years do you want to wait for somebody
> finding time for "a little more work"?

It's been sitting there for so long *because* it's such a hairy patch. I'=
ve just
started writing a new madule called "zipimport" which will show what I me=
an. The
rest of today will be very busy here, so you _might_ have to wait until t=
for working code.
