[Python-Dev] New universal import mechanism ( Re: [Python-checkins] python/dist/src/Python import.c,2.210,2.211)

Michael Hudson mwh@python.net
03 Dec 2002 14:31:15 +0000

David Abrahams <dave@boost-consulting.com> writes:

> My users want extension modules to be able to control how their
> attributes are imported when using "import *". In particular,
> Boost.Python includes a kind of multimethod facility, and some of my
> users would like it if
>       from bpl_extension import *
> caused multimethod definitions in bpl_extension to be /merged/ into
> the current module, rather than replacing any multimethod bindings
> with the same name in the current module.

Eww.  I can see where the idea is coming from, but allowing arbitrary
magic somewhere only name binding is allowed today sounds horrible to


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