[Python-Dev] New and Improved Import Hooks

Just van Rossum just@letterror.com
Tue, 3 Dec 2002 21:45:35 +0100

Samuele Pedroni wrote:

> From: "Just van Rossum" <just@letterror.com>
> > I will change my zipimport hook (which _still_ isn't finished ;-) to also
> > traverse sys.path, and check for *.zip path endings.
> >
> my point was that, given
> dir1;zip0;dir2
> dir1 should take over zip0 that should take over dir2.
> [This is what Jython 2.1 does btw]
> If the resulting import precedence order is that both dir1 and dir2 take over
> zip0, then maybe allowing zip0 in sys.path is just confusing,
> and zipfiles should be specified elsewhere.

True, true.

Does Jython implement the (old) idea that items on sys.path can be import
handler *objects*? (If yes, can you briefly describe the interface of these

After seeing what you mean I think that may be the only sensible solution. 


    for p in sys.path:
        if hasattr(p, "find_module"):
            x = p.find_module(...)
        elif not isinstance(p, basestring):
            x = builtin_find_module(...)
        ...load module...
