[Python-Dev] New and Improved Import Hooks

Moore, Paul Paul.Moore@atosorigin.com
Wed, 4 Dec 2002 13:27:38 -0000

From: Martin v. L=F6wis [mailto:martin@v.loewis.de]
> Just van Rossum <just@letterror.com> writes:

>> I'm working hard on a zipimport module that uses
>> sys.import_hooks. It's going to be SO much cleaner than
>> the existing zip import patch.

> Ok. I then won't apply the existing patch until
> a) your zipfile patch comes along to review, or
> b) significant time has passed after 2.3a1 (for some
>    reasonable value for "significant")

The only reservation I have about this is if the existing patch
starts going "out of date" again. I can't get CVS to work on my
slow dial-up connection, for anything other than a straight cvs
checkout, so I'm reduced to full downloads and manually updating
the patch. This is both tedious and error-prone.

Just promised his patch in "a couple of days". If that's the
timescale, I'm fine with this plan. But if it's a couple of weeks,
then I'm going to be annoyed if the reintegration turns out to be
