[Python-Dev] extension module .o files wind up in the wrong place

Martin v. Löwis martin@v.loewis.de
04 Dec 2002 20:58:58 +0100

Skip Montanaro <skip@pobox.com> writes:

> I poked around a bit yesterday but didn't get too far.  Deep distutils
> pondering is beyond my feeble brain.  In PyBuildExt.build_extensions() in
> setup.py, you will see os.getcwd() tacked onto the front of the generated
> path in a couple places.  That appears to be the cause of the absolute paths
> we see.  I think removing it will be a necessary, but not sufficient,
> condition for a fix.  

I now believe that Michael's analysis is correct: I.e. it is fine that
setup.py produces absolute paths, since distutils is supposed to make
them relative again.
