[Python-Dev] Extending xmlrpclib to handle HTTP proxies
Fredrik Lundh
Thu, 5 Dec 2002 11:31:24 +0100
mal wrote:
> Doesn't urllib already support this out of the box ? You can use
> its machinery for finding out the proxy settings and then add them
> to Transport as needed.
urllib doesn't allow you to override content-types and other things
that you need to talk proper XML-RPC, and my "request body" [1]
patch was rejected by GvR.
I'm pretty sure you can use urllib2 for this purpose, though, but I
haven't looked deeper into that (mostly because people has been
promising me proxy patches for years...)
(Bill, note that Python CVS isn't the "master repository" for xmlrpclib;
if you come up with a clean and nice urllib2-based proxy transport,
you can just mail it to me)
1) http://effbot.org/zone/python-urllib-requestbody.htm