[Python-Dev] Another approach for the import mechanism

Gustavo Niemeyer niemeyer@conectiva.com
Thu, 5 Dec 2002 19:58:55 -0200

> > - Alternative importers are only considered when the default importer
> >   mechanism fails (each entry in the path at a time, so that
> >   precedence is preserved).
> Far too restrictive. You seem to be saying (unless I misunderstand)
> that an alternative import can't override an element on the
> traditional sys.path.

Why not? I belive it's exactly the other way around. You have
more possibilities with that scheme.

> Is there to be no way to replace existing system components by
> providing replacements in zip files, in the same way that I could
> currently replace httplib by putting my own httplib in a directory
> which I then place at the beginning of sys.path?

I'm not sure if I understood what you're trying to say. But if I
understood that correctly, there are even more possibilities:

Having one of:


You'd do:

sys.path.insert(0, "/some/dir")

> > - Alternative importers, when activated, would be given the module name
> >   being imported, and would look for entries in the "current" iterated
> >   path by themselves.
> Huh? Why restrict alternative importers to using a path? What if my
> importer wants to provide randomly generated byte codes as part of a
> genetic programming experiment?

Then you'd have to work with ihooks. IIRC, none of the proposed
mechanisms would allow that.

Also, I wouldn't say that "randomly generated byte codes" should be
*imported*. Just compile it.

> > - A zip importer would, for example, look if the current iterated path
> >   have a file named "__init__.zip".
> ...and I'm not really sure what you mean by "iterated path".

for path in sys.path:

> I think I must be misunderstanding at a fairly basic level. This would
> seem pretty inflexible to me.

Does it look better now?

Gustavo Niemeyer

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