[Python-Dev] Another approach for the import mechanism
Skip Montanaro
Thu, 5 Dec 2002 16:24:55 -0600
Skip> Remember, a zip file looks like a directory because of its
Skip> embedded structure. If you had httplib.zip it would have to
Skip> contain at least one .py or .so (or .pyd or ...) file. I think
Skip> you would insert /some/dir/httplib.zip into sys.path.
Just rereading my own note, I realize you might have components after the
zip file name. Suppose you had web.zip which contained directories http,
gopher, ftp, and nntp, each of which was itself a package (had a __init__.py
file). You might modify sys.path like so:
newdirs = [os.path.join("/some/dir/web.zip", x)
for x in "http gopher ftp nttp".split()]