[Python-Dev] Another approach for the import mechanism
Samuele Pedroni
Thu, 5 Dec 2002 23:45:47 +0100
> - Allows one to have zip packages inside other packages.
you can achieve this with __path__
> - Avoids including zip files in the path.
I want to support that.
> - Allows me to ship a package inside a zip file, without asking
> the user to change his path.
> - Allows me to compress a single file (foobar.py.bz2).
Java has support for zipfiles from day one, from my user experience they are
both YAGNI.
sys.path content from my point of view is really a deployment time issue.
The 2nd point is not directly addressed by your proposal, and supporting it
would make for more complicated importer impls.