[Python-Dev] Another approach for the import mechanism
Gustavo Niemeyer
Fri, 6 Dec 2002 00:53:52 -0200
> So you can have only a single multi-file non-package zipfile in each
> directory on sys.path? I find this quite ugly: a directory with only a
Well, with the current implementation you'll only allow one single
multi-file non-package zipfile in each entry of sys.path. :-)
> single file in it, and potentially many of these. What is the
> advantage of this limitation?
- Don't have to change path to use compressed packages (at least
not if you want to provide compressed packages, individual
compressed modules or the standard library).
- Don't have to specify the compression type hardcoded.
- Allows one to ship a package inside a zip file, without asking
the user to change his path, and without hacking the package.
- Allows one to compress a single file (foobar.py.bz2).
I belive that my propose is quite clear now. If there are no
additional supporters, there's no reason to go on.
Thanks to everyone who discussed.
Gustavo Niemeyer
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