[Python-Dev] os.path.walk generator

Guido van Rossum guido@python.org
Thu, 12 Dec 2002 11:28:54 -0500

> I feel that "The Right Way" to walk through a directory tree is with a 
> generator. Therefore I suggest that a generator
> walk2(topdir, hidden=None)
> be added to os.path. It yields all the files and directories under (and 
> including) "topdir". If "hidden" is true, then hidden files and 
> directories are included.

Submit a patch.

I think hiding 'hidden' files should not be up to the walk() generator
-- os.listdir() and the existing os.path.walk() don't hide them

Style nit: don't use None to indicate False.  Use False.

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)