[Python-Dev] Adding decimal (aka FixedPoint) numbers to Python

Brett Cannon brett@python.org
Sun, 15 Dec 2002 01:00:33 -0800 (PST)

[Michael McLay]

> sf/653938I is a patch to integrate the fixedpoint module, that was created by
> Tim Peters, into Python as a first class object. That is, the patch adds this
> new number type so that it has direct syntax support like float, int, long,
> str., etc. within the interpreter.

Someone will correct me if I am wrong, but making a new decimal type that
includes a new suffix for numbers is  going to require a PEP.  Your
email, though, already seems like a rather good start for one and should
not require much more work.

It would be easier to get the module itself sans any Python core changes
accepted initially to gauge usage and interest by the Python community
before pushing for syntax integration.  This is what is be done with the
current rational implementation.

I personally would like to see the module included but currently say no to
any integration into the core syntax.
