[Python-Dev] Adding decimal (aka FixedPoint) numbers to Python

bsder@mail.allcaps.org bsder@mail.allcaps.org
Sun, 15 Dec 2002 01:54:56 -0800 (PST)

On Sat, 14 Dec 2002, Michael McLay wrote:

> sf/653938I is a patch to integrate the fixedpoint module, that was created by 


Two reasons:

1) I don't see a PEP about this.  If I am wrong about this, please point 
me at the PEP so that I can review it.

2) There are official/semi-official standards for decimal floating-point
arithmetic. (IEEE 854 + ANSI X3.274 + ECMA 334)  The fixedpoint module
seems to comply with these standards only at the most basic levels.  
Again, if I am wrong, please point me at the relevant docs so that I can
review them.
