[Python-Dev] summary for 2002-12-01 through 2002-12-15

Brett Cannon brett@python.org
Sun, 15 Dec 2002 23:07:04 -0800 (PST)

Yes, it's that time again!  You guys (are there any ladies on python-dev?)
have about a day to let me know about my mistakes before I send this out
to the rest of the world.

Oh, I am leaving off the FixedPoint discussion on this summary on purpose;
I feel that it will be all clarified soon and so I am going to wait to
summarize it after that has occurred.

And Martin, your name is correctly spelled (complete with emulaut!) in the
original and should hopefully show up when I send it out to c.l.p.


python-dev Summary for 2002-12-01 through 2002-12-15

Summary Announcements

Aahz  suggested that I try writing the summary from a third-person
perspective so as to remove ambiguity if anyone ever quotes something from
a summary which was written in first-person.  I am giving it a go in this
summary although there is not much here that is affected.

There was an error in the last summary where I gave Guido's position on
something incorrectly (summary of dict evaluation order).  It has been
fixed.  I am going to fix errors like that in old summaries with an errata
note in the text version.  It won't show up in the HTML version, though.

And go to PyCon_.  =)

.. _PyCon: http://www.python.org/pycon/

`New universal import mechanism`__
__ http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-December/030602.html

Splinter threads:
	- `New and Improved Import Hooks
	- `Re: New and Improved Import Hooks
	- `Re[2]: [Python-Dev] New and Improved Import Hooks
	- `New Import Hook & New Zip Importer
	- `(no subject)
	- `Another approach for the import mechanism
	- `Re: Another approach for the import mechanism
	- `New Import Hook & New Zip Importer
	- `Import: where's the PEP?
	- `zipimport & import hooks
	- `VFS
	- `Zip imports, PEP 273, and the .zip extension
	- `Import compromise
	- `zipimport, round 3 (or would that be 37?)
	- `Complexity of import.c
	- `zipimport, round 4
	- `new import hooks & zip import

In case you can't figure it out from the title of all of the splnter
threads, there was an immense discussion about `PEP 273`_ and getting an
import mechanism for zipped modules.  To give a little back-story, PEP 273
proposes allowing modules to be put into a zip file for easy distribution.
You could then just add the zip file to ```sys.path`_`` , PYTHONPATH_ ,
etc. and importing from the zip file would be handled properly.  It was
scheduled to be included in Python 2.3 thanks to Paul Moore keeping James
Ahlstrom's patch synced with CVS.  All was right with the world, more or

But then Wiktor Sadowski commented on a checkin for `import.c`_ and how he
would like a better way to write custom imports.  This led to Just van
Rossum to write a new import mechanism.  Basically Just was unhappy with
how much fiddling the PEP 273 patch was doing to import.c.  So, just like
any self-respecting programmer would do, he came up with his own solution.
=)  Most of the discussion revolved around a few central points.

One was whether this was even worth the effort.  Since the PEP 273 patch
worked, why should Just bother reinventing the wheel?  The whole reason
Just decided to come up with another implementation was a major point.
The other was that he felt he could come up with a more general way of
allowing custom importers *and* have zip imports a part of the core.
There was also a discussion of whether Gordon McMillan's `iu.py`_ wasn't a
good solution; it was already well-tested and coded.  But Just wanted a
certain functionality that iu.py didn't offer...

Just wanted to be able to put arbitrary objects in ``sys.path``.  This
would allow the object to be called to figure out whether it had the
module being requested or not.  Taking the zip importer as an example,
there would be a zipimporter instance in ``sys.path`` for each zip file in
the path (once it was discovered it was a zip file; bootstrapping has been
carefully handled).  The issue of backward-compatibility was instantly
brought up.  It has been assumed that everything in ``sys.path`` was a
string and starting to include zipimporter objects would break that.  The
idea of making zipimporters (and any subsequent importers in the stdlib)
subclasses of strings was brought up and basically accepted, although
Guido viewed it as an ugly hack.

But in the end, Just's version acts like iu.py.  The basic algorithm for
handling zip files is::

    def find_module(name, path):
        if isbuiltin(name):
            return builtin_filedescr
        if isfrozen(name):
            return frozen_filedescr
        if path is None:
            path = sys.path
        for p in sys.path:  # I think Just meant to say ``path`` here
                v = zipimporter(p)
            except ZipImportError:
                w = v.find_module(name)
                if w is not None:
                    return w
            ...handle builtin file system import...

It is easily generalized to work for any registered importers.  There is
also the idea of adding something called a "metapath" that iu.py has.  It
would allow one to override any import by catching it before trying

One other discussion was over this was going to need a PEP.  Just has
written up an explanation, but as to whether a PEP is required has not
been decided.

Just's implementation is now a patch at http://www.python.org/sf/652586 .

.. _PEP 273: http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0273.html
.. _sys.path: http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/module-sys.html
.. _PYTHONPATH: http://www.python.org/doc/current/tut/node8.html
.. _import.c:
.. _iu.py: http://www.mcmillan-inc.com/iu.html

`Mac OSX issues`__
__ http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-December/030604.html

Continuation of

Guido got a hold of a OS X box and ran the test suite on it and found four
tests that didn't pass.  One was for ``locale`` (which Guido didn't care
about), another was the ``test_largefile`` test, another was for ``re``,
and the last one was for ``socket``.

The ``test_largefile`` suite seeks on a new file to a huge position.  On
OS X and Windows 2000 this actually adds to the file up to the seek point
so as to make it a complete file.  Windows 9x, on the other hand, just
writes to that offset regardless of whether it is within the bounds of the
file.  Because it creates such a huge file it takes forever to complete
and thus has been made an optional test on OS X.

The ``re`` tests were failing for a lack of space on the stack.  to allow
the tests to pass you need to execute the statement ``ulimit -s 2000``
which ups the stack size to approximately 2 Mb.  This has sense been added
to the regression testing framework to be done for you if needed.

``socket`` was failing on ``.getsockbyaddr()`` when trying it for the
machine's own name.  Barry Warsaw discovered that the test passed if you
set hostnames by using NetInfo.

`RE: how to kill process on Windows started with os.spawn?`__
__ http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-December/030595.html

Skip Montanaro wanted to be able to kill a Windows process externally.  He
suggested implemented a ``os.kill()`` function that would kill a process
in a platform-independent way.  Problem is that Windows wants the process
hook which is different from what POSIX wants.  Another issue is that the
Windows docs say that you should not kill processes externally.  It seems
the idea has been dropped.

`extension module .o files wind up in the wrong place`__
__ http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-December/030644.html

Skip Montanaro discovered that if you built Python in a subdirectory of
the source directory (e.g., source in ``source/`` and you are building in
``source/build/``) the .o files are put in the wrong place (they use
``source/`` as the root directory to place things instead of
``source/build/``).  Skip resolved his issue by doing a ``make distclean``
and then running ``../configure``.

`Make universal newlines non-optional`__
__ http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-December/030692.html

Martin v. Lwis asked if anyone mind not making universal newline support a
compile option.  He volunteered to remove the ``#ifdef`` statements and
such to get this done.  Jack Jansen (who wrote the universal newline code)
pointed out that if it was required there could be issues on certain
platforms.  Martin had no issue with this since this would force the
platform maintainers to fix the code for it to work.  In the end Martin
suggested leaving it an option in 2.3 and removing it as an option and
requiring it in 2.4.

`Re: [Patches] Patch for xmlrpc encoding`__
__ http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-December/030984.html

A discussion over a patch for ``xmlrpclib`` ended up on python-dev.  The
relevancy of it was that the statement ``sys.{get,set}defaultencoding`` is
only useful for coercion of Unicode to byte strings.  It was also stated
that ASCII should always be assumed to be the default encoding.  Also,
never put any non-ASCII text in a string; that is what Unicode objects are

`PEP 242 Numeric kinds`__
__ http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-December/030859.html

Paul DuBois emailed the list mentioning how a group of people were
supposed to get together to decide the fate of `PEP 242`_ in June 2002;
that didn't happen.  So Paul suggested making the suggested "making it a
separate deliverable on the Numeric_ site and withdrawing the PEP".
Everyone who responded pretty much said  to add the proposed module.  A
final outcome has not been decided as to whether Paul will rescind the PEP
or push it forward.  If you have an opinion on the matter, let it be

.. _PEP 242: http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0242.html
.. _Numeric: http://www.pfdubois.com/numpy/

`We got leaks!`__
__ http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-December/030933.html

Tim Peters discovered that the new datetime_ type was leaking memory.  The
C version was slowly leaking about 10 references per loop through the
testing suite.  But the Python version was leaking 37 reference per loop
through.  Tim did his reference checking using this chunk of code::

 def test_main():
    import gc
    r = unittest.TextTestRunner(stream=sys.stdout, verbosity=2)
    s = test_suite()
    while True:
        print gc.garbage  # this is always an empty list
        print '*' * 10, 'total refs:', sys.gettotalrefcount()

This substituted for the ``test_main()`` for the testing suite printed out
the reference numbers rather nicely.

Well, it didn't take the weekend to solve.  Kevin Jacobs stepped up to
help.  The first thing he found was that it was not occurring in a debug
build (which is why when you are testing new code you should **always**
run it in a debug build).  Then Kevin discovered the issue came up when
executing a ``__hash__()`` call on anything.  Tim then realized a missing
decrement in ``slot_tp_hash()`` was the culprit.  Then Kevin found another
culprit in ``cPickle_``.  That was also patched (and everything has been
flagged to be backported to the 2.2 branch).

The reason this thread is being mentioned is because it 1) was all solved
in 5 hours and 40 minutes which is pretty cool and 2) using the  chunk of
code that Tim provided to stare at the reference count is a good way to
look for memory leaks in your code.

.. _datetime:
.. _cPickle: http://www.python.org/doc/current/lib/module-cPickle.html

__ http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-December/030947.html

Armin Rigo noticed how ``os.path.commonprefix()`` works
character-by-character and not by path separators as one might expect
(although the  documentation does warn about its char-by-char nature).
Skip Montanaro suggested ``os.path.commonpathprefix()`` be added.  He
mentioned that `Tools/scripts/trace.py`_ had such functionality.  As of
this writing no one has taken the initiative to add the function.

.. _Tools/scripts/trace.py:

`__getstate__() not inherited when __slots__ present`__
__ http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-December/030980.html

Greg Ward noticed that "If a class and its superclass both define
__slots__, it appears that __getstate__() is not inherited from the
superclass."  He wasn't sure if this was a bug or a feature.  Well, it's a
feature; since there  is no guarantee that the superclass's
``__getstate__()`` will know about the subclass's ``__slots__``, it is not
automatically inherited.

Kevin Jacobs provided the following snippet of code to deal with this

  def __getstate__(self):
    state = getattr(self, '__dict__', {}).copy()
    for obj in type(self).mro():
      for name in getattr(obj,'__slots__',()):
        if hasattr(self, name):
          state[name] = getattr(self, name)
    return state

  def __setstate__(self, state):
    for key,value in state.items():
      setattr(self, key, value)

`Tarfile support`__
__ http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-December/031086.html

Gustavo Niemeyer asked for some help in reviewing the patch (
http://www.python.org/sf/651082 ) that adds Lars Gustabel's tarfile module
to the stdlib.  The question of the license came up.  Lars said he would
be willing to change the license over to the `Python Software Foundation`_
.  An initial license hand-off agreement is available at
http://www.python.org/psf/psf-contributor-agreement.html .

.. _Python Software Foundation: http://www.python.org/psf/

`Tcl, Tkinter, and threads`__
__ http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-December/031107.html

Martin v. Lwis has now modified ```_tkinter`_`` as so to be able to be
used when Tcl has been compiled with thread support.  Special thanks goes
out to Martin for taking over maintenance of the module.

.. __tkinter:

`PEP 298`__
__ http://mail.python.org/pipermail/python-dev/2002-December/031109.html

Splinter threads:

	- `PEP-298: buffer interface widening too much?
	- `PEP-298: buffer interface widening too much?

Thomas Heller wanted to resolve whether to move forward with an
implementation for `PEP 298`_ .  This led to a discussion over the
specifics of the PEP.  Martin v. Lwis wnated some more specific wording
from the PEP.

Todd Miller then stepped in to say he didn't like how much of an interface
was being tacked on.  Martin commented that his `PEP 286`_ would help in
this whole situation, which Todd ended up agreeing with.

.. _PEP 298: http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0298.html
.. _PEP 286: http://www.python.org/peps/pep-0286.html