[Python-Dev] RE: Adding decimal (aka FixedPoint) numbers to Python
Wed, 18 Dec 2002 08:04:11 -0500
On Tue, Dec 17, 2002, Michael McLay wrote:
> On Tuesday 17 December 2002 12:34 am, Tim Peters wrote:
>> [Michael McLay]
>>> To bad the decNumber library from IBM is not open source.
>> A Java implementation is open:
>> http://www2.hursley.ibm.com/decimalj/
> That's great for jython, but it will require more work for the C Python
> implementation.
Much of a first draft of a Python implementation is available at my Web
site. Tim's jab at me ("fifteen years") is because it really needs to
be rewritten from scratch and refactored, and I haven't gotten the
mental traction to do it. Currently it does all the basics other than
division (which is when I realized that it needed rewriting).
Aahz (aahz@pythoncraft.com) <*> http://www.pythoncraft.com/
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