[Python-Dev] Mersenne Twister copyright

Tim Peters tim.one@comcast.net
Sat, 28 Dec 2002 17:26:52 -0500

I'd like to see a LICENSES.txt file added to the distribution, into which we
copy the licenses for all the external software we *may* ship with a Python
distribution.  On Windows that's quite a lot (zlib, bz2, Tcl/Tk, OpenSSL,

I'm not even thinking about the legalities here, it's just good manners to
acknowledge other peoples' work.  It's also good manners for people building
on our work to pass on the licenses too, and most licenses formally require
that they do so.

> ...
> Do you guys have any thoughts on the best way to resolve this
> one?

The issue isn't unique to you, so don't feel you have to solve it.

> It is my only unanswered review comment for the module before
> loading it for the alpha release.

I expect to make a few hours to dig into the sandbox code tonight, but don't
let that influence you <wink>.