[Python-Dev] Mesenne Twister copyright notice

Raymond Hettinger python@rcn.com
Sun, 29 Dec 2002 12:18:34 -0500

> Instead, we should come up with a way which satisfies the licenses.
> Since most licenses require a copy of the text to be included in
> the documentation, I think the easiest and most reliable way of
> achieving this is to add a new licenses section to the documentation
> and Python's LICENSE file itself (Latex allows including text from
> other files in the docs, so adding new licenses to the LICENSE file
> would suffice if LICENSE is included verbatim in the Latex docs).

This seems to be the most straight-forward way to go.
If everyone agrees, I'll start the ball rolling by adding the
verbatim text for the MersenneTwister code.

Raymond Hettinger