[Python-Dev] Moving Mac/Lib to Lib/plat-mac before 2.3a1?
Barry A. Warsaw
Sun, 29 Dec 2002 21:22:36 -0500
>>>>> "JJ" == Jack Jansen <Jack.Jansen@oratrix.com> writes:
JJ> And on the technical implementation: I think I would ask the
JJ> SF maintainers to *copy* Mac/Lib to Lib/plat-mac, and then
JJ> manually delete Mac/Lib on the trunk and Lib/plat-mac on the
JJ> 2.2 maintenance branch. Is that a good idea?
My suggestion would be to grab the a copy of the cvs repository, do
the re-organization yourself, and send SF a tarball of just the new
directories and instructions for where you want them to unpack it.
Then cvsrm all the individual files and let cvs up -P zap the old