[Python-Dev] Mesenne Twister copyright notice

Michael McLay mmclay@comcast.net
Sun, 29 Dec 2002 23:49:42 -0500

On Sunday 29 December 2002 06:23 pm, Skip Montanaro wrote:
>     Jack> On the other thread: will including the copyright
>     Jack> notices/acknowledgements in the documentation be good enough if
> we Jack> don't always ship the documentation?
> Is there any reason the copyright builtin can't be embellished to spit out
> all the necessary copyrights?

A requirement could be added to the PEP 2 that would require a copyright 
disclosure be included in the package/module so that the name "copyright" 
would retrieve the relevant copyright for that package/module. A copyright 
that did not require disclosure would return None.

(BTW, PEP two is titled "Procedure for Adding New Modules". Should that be 
renamed "Procedure for Adding New Modules and Packages"?)

>>> import mycoolpackage
>>> mycoolpackage.copyright
'All rights to the use of mycoolpackage are hereby granted to the PSF. \n\n    
enjoy  - authors of mycoolpackage\n'

The copyright builtin could be extended to add a search of all imported 
libraries to retrieve all of the copyrights that are used in an application.