[Python-Dev] release for 2.1.2, plus 2.2.1...

Anthony Baxter anthony@interlink.com.au
Fri, 04 Jan 2002 18:15:08 +1100

[resend: sorry if you see it twice, but I can't see that the original
ever got through...]

Ok, I'd like to make the 2.1.2 release some time in the first
half of the week starting 7th Jan, assuming that's ok for the folks 
who'll need to do the work on the PC/Mac packaging.

I notice that pep 101 is pretty strongly focussed on the major releases, 
not the minor ones. Is it worth making a modified version of this PEP with 
the minor release steps?

the things to do:

   README file.
   NEWS file - should this have anything other than the socket.sendall()

I don't have access to creosote.python.org, so someone else's going to
need to do this.

As far as 2.2.1 goes, I'm happy to keep on the patch czar role. Is
trying for a release before the conference too aggressive a timeframe?
There seem to be a number of niggles that'd be nice to have fixed...
