Re [Python-Dev] object equality vs identity, in and dicts idioms and speed

Aahz Maruch
Fri, 4 Jan 2002 13:00:24 -0800 (PST)

Samuele Pedroni wrote:
> [Tim Peters] 
>> Mapping what to what?  A fine implementation of id() would be to hand each
>> new object a unique Java int from a global counter, incremented once per
>> Python object creation -- or a Java long if any JVM stays up long enough
>> that 32 bits is an issue <wink>.
> The problem are java class instances, sir, we use non-unique wrappers
> for them and identity is simulated.  We could use a table to make
> the wrappers unique but we have potentially lots of them as you can
> imagine, jython people actually use java classes <wink>. So the
> workaround is to keep a table just for the java instances for which
> someone has asked the id.

I'm slightly confuzzled here (no surprise given how little Java I know).
How does Jython know which Java class instance to refer to if there's
no mapping?  If there is a mapping, how does it slow things down to
create an id every time a map gets created?  (Yes, it'll chew up memory,
but Java uses so much memory already... ;-)
                      --- Aahz (

Hugs and backrubs -- I break Rule 6       <*>
Androgynous poly kinky vanilla queer het Pythonista

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