Large file system support in 2.1.2 (was Re: [Python-Dev] release for 2.1.2, plus 2.2.1...)

Barry A. Warsaw
Mon, 7 Jan 2002 00:30:52 -0500

>>>>> "NN" == Neal Norwitz <> writes:

    NN> I think the intent was to use single quotes for OPT='two
    NN> $CFLAGS'.  (You could also do OPT="two \$CFLAGS".)  This will
    NN> pass the string "$CFLAGS" in OPT, not the value of the shell
    NN> variable $CFLAGS.

    NN> While your shell script will print out: OPT = xtwo $CFLAGSx
    NN> This is ok since it will/should get expanded properly in the
    NN> Makefile.

Unfortunately, none of this really helps.  Getting $(CFLAGS) into $OPT
just results in this:

Makefile:737: *** Recursive variable `CFLAGS' references itself (eventually).  Stop.

Let me suggest the following, and then I'm going to stop here.
Martin's patch to fileobject.c should be applied -- that's a given.
As for configure:

    CC='gcc -D_LARGEFILE64_SOURCE -D_FILE_OFFSET_BITS=64' ./configure

works for me.  I'll leave it up to others to decide what to change,
although IMHO posix-large-file is broken (and also because those
instructions shouldn't be necessary for Python 2.2).
