Large file system support in 2.1.2 (was Re: [Python-Dev] release for 2.1.2, plus 2.2.1...)

Barry A. Warsaw
Mon, 7 Jan 2002 08:45:00 -0500

>>>>> "MvL" == Martin v Loewis <> writes:

    MvL> I'd strongly advise against putting that into the
    MvL> documentation. There are numerous assignments to CC inside
    MvL>, which would override this setting. Setting OPT
    MvL> and CFLAGS is the right way to pass these configuration
    MvL> options.

    >> I'll leave it up to others to decide what to change,
    >>  Documentation?

    MvL> Please, not the way Barry proposes.

Here's another suggestion: add a make variable that isn't used or
anything else, has a default empty value, and is used to create the
compilation command.  Let's say $LARGEFILE.

Then the configure command would be


and that should work on all shells, and without having to permanently
export a variable to the environment, which I think we should avoid
