[Python-Dev] release for 2.1.2, plus 2.2.1...

Anthony Baxter Anthony Baxter <anthony@interlink.com.au>
Thu, 10 Jan 2002 19:17:02 +1100

>>> Barry A. Warsaw wrote
>     AB> Ok, I'd like to make the 2.1.2 release some time in the first
>     AB> half of the week starting 7th Jan, assuming that's ok for the
>     AB> folks who'll need to do the work on the PC/Mac packaging.

I'm doing this this evening; i.e. now.

> I'd be more inclined to clone PEP 101 into a PEP 102 with micro
> release instructions.  The nice thing about 101 is that you can just
> go down the list, checking things off in a linear fashion as you
> complete each item.  I'd be loathe to break up the linearity of that.

Ok. I'm doing this as I go. Should I just check in PEP 102 directly, or
is that Not The Done Thing?

>     AB> I don't have access to creosote.python.org, so someone else's
>     AB> going to need to do this.
> I can certainly help with any fiddling necessary on creosote.  Then
> again...
> ...if this is going to be a recurring role, we might just want to give
> you access to the web cvs tree and creosote.

Whichever works for you.

Anthony Baxter     <anthony@interlink.com.au>   
It's never too late to have a happy childhood.