[Python-Dev] PEP 215 and EvalDict, yet another alternative
Barry A. Warsaw
Tue, 15 Jan 2002 02:26:19 -0500
>>>>> "SM" == Steven Majewski <sdm7g@Virginia.EDU> writes:
SM> Since PEP 216 on string interpolation is still active, I'ld
SM> appreciate it if some of it's supporters would comment on my
SM> revised alternative solution (posted on comp.lang.python and
SM> at google thru):
[Steve's EvalDict]
For completeness, here's a simplified version of Mailman's _()
function which does auto-interpolation from locals and globals of the
calling context. This version works in Python 2.1 or beyond and has
the i18n translation stuff stripped out. For the full deal, see
-------------------- snip snip --------------------dollar.py
import sys
from UserDict import UserDict
from types import StringType
class SafeDict(UserDict):
"""Dictionary which returns a default value for unknown keys."""
def __getitem__(self, key):
return self.data[key]
except KeyError:
if isinstance(key, StringType):
return '%('+key+')s'
return '<Missing key: %s>' % `key`
def _(s):
frame = sys._getframe(1)
d = SafeDict(frame.f_globals.copy())
return s % d
BIRD = 'parrot'
def examples(thing):
bird = 'dead ' + BIRD
print _('It used to be a %(BIRD)s')
print _('But now it is a %(bird)s')
print _('%(BIRD)s or %(bird)s?')
print _('You are not %(morg)s, you are not %(imorg)s')
print _('%(thing)s, %(thing)s, what is %(thing)s?')
-------------------- snip snip --------------------
% python /tmp/dollar.py brain
It used to be a parrot
But now it is a dead parrot
parrot or dead parrot?
You are not %(morg)s, you are not %(imorg)s
brain, brain, what is brain?