PEP 215 (was Re: [Python-Dev] PEP 216 (string interpolation) alternative EvalDict)

Barry A. Warsaw
Wed, 16 Jan 2002 17:28:18 -0500

On Wed, Jan 16, 2002 at 08:17:54AM -0500, Barry A. Warsaw wrote:
> Ug.  t'' strings have been discussed before w.r.t. i18n markup, but I
> don't like it.

>>>>> "JE" == Jeff Epler <> writes:

    JE> ... and you like $'' strings?

No! :)

    JE> That suggestion was intended to bring a bad taste to
    JE> *everybody*'s mouth, as much as t'' alone does to yours.

Ah, no wonder I've had to drink 3 sodas today.  I wondered what that
foul flavor was, especially since I made sure to brush my teeth this

    JE> (Hmm, and then I might need a raw unicode interpolated
    JE> translated string ... is that spelled $_ur'' or r_$u'' ?)

Exactly why I'm against adding more string prefixes.  Remember that
the _ thingie we currently recommend for gettext /isn't/ prefix
proliferation.  E.g.:

    _(u'translate this')
    _(ru'and this')

It's just a function call with a convenient name (and even that's just
a convention, of course).
