[Python-Dev] Tuples vs. lists

Aahz Maruch aahz@rahul.net
Thu, 24 Jan 2002 08:56:38 -0800 (PST)

Guido van Rossum wrote:
>> Do you seriously object to changing it to a tuple???
> Yes, I don't want to create any more show code examples that use
> tuples for (conceptually) arbitrary-length arrays of homogeneous
> data.  The data type to use for those is lists.

Hrm.  Even when it's something that's supposed to be immutable?  I'm
asking because I'm currently using a tuple for the digit list in my BCD
module, and I'd like a clearer explanation of why you think that it
should be a list (assuming you do).

>From my viewpoint, the BCD digit string should be handled like a string;
I'm only using a tuple for efficiency of storing numbers instead of
                      --- Aahz (@pobox.com)

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