[Python-Dev] Re: Alternative implementation of string interning
Jeremy Hylton
Wed, 3 Jul 2002 14:17:12 -0400
>>>>> "OT" == Oren Tirosh <oren-py-d@hishome.net> writes:
OT> This thought experiment is part of a strange fantasy I have that
OT> Python might one day use only interned strings to represent
OT> names. There are relatively few places where a string may be
OT> converted to a name (getattr, hasattr, etc) and these could be
OT> interned at the interface if interned strings are not
OT> immortal. I expect that nothing will ever come out of this, but
OT> it's fun to think about it anyway...
two responses:
What do you mean by "represent names"? Code objects already use
interned strings for names. Did you have something else in mind?
You might have mentioned this thought experiment / strange fantasy at
the outset of the thread <0.2 wink>. There was a lot of email
thrashing on this subject, but none of it apeears to have been