[Python-Dev] Re: Patch level versions and new features (Was:
Some dull gc stats)
Barry A. Warsaw
Mon, 8 Jul 2002 10:01:13 -0400
>>>>> "MAL" == M <mal@lemburg.com> writes:
MAL> True, but it is easily possible to install those packages in
MAL> a directory which is scanned before the standard lib, thus
MAL> overriding the distribution versions:
MAL> python setup.py install install-lib=~/lib
A general solution that requires uses to set environment variables
isn't acceptable IMO.
>> I believe that was the motivation for Barry to consider
>> backporting large amounts of changes. The same holds for
>> distutils, except that there aren't that many major changes.
MAL> If that's the case, then we probably ought to make it easier
MAL> for user installed Python add-ons to override builtin
MAL> packages.
MAL> This would help to get rid off the hacks which the PyXML
MAL> distribution has to use in order to achieve the same.
Yup, see my previous response.