[Python-Dev] Re: Patch level versions and new features (Was:
Some dull gc stats)
Delaney, Timothy
Tue, 9 Jul 2002 11:30:51 +1000
> From: martin@v.loewis.de [mailto:martin@v.loewis.de]
> "M.-A. Lemburg" <mal@lemburg.com> writes:
> > Perhaps we could have some kind of category for distutils
> > packages which marks them as system add-ons vs. site add-ons.
> One approach would be for distutils to have a list of system packages
> built-in, depending on the Python release.
Arbitrary package authors shouldn't be able to state that their package is a
system package - that should be up to the core team.
Of course, this would require that distutils can be updated (to allow new
system packages). I don't see much point in putting any more security in
place than that though ... make it a bit difficult, so people don't bother
trying to circumvent it. If someone wants to modify distutils themself, then
there isn't going to be much anyone can do about it.
Tim Delaney