[Python-Dev] Fw: Behavior of buffer()
Todd Miller
Mon, 15 Jul 2002 10:41:58 -0400
Here's the numarray perspective on things.
Tim Peters wrote:
>>Fredrik pressed for details, but we haven't seen any concrete use cases.
>>In the absence of the latter, it's impossible to guess what would be
>>backward compatible for MAL's purposes.
I updated my CVS copy of Python and tried out MAL's patch with numarray.
Nothing broke as far as I can tell. I guess it probably doesn't matter
anyway given that both buffer() and MAL's patch are headed to oblivion.
>[M.-A. Lemburg]
>>For my purposes, the strategy buffer slice returns a buffer
>>would be more appropriate because it would save the buffer type
>>information across the slicing operation... I mean, you don't
>>want to get bananas when you slice an apple in real life either ;-)
>>I use buffers to mean: this is a chunk of binary data. The purpose
>>is to recognize this type of data for pickling via xml-rpc,
>>soap and other rpc mechanisms etc.
>How do you use buffers?
We use buffers in numarray to store our array data. We use readinto to
load array buffers efficiently from a file. We operate on the buffer
data in-place. Since numarrays are python classe instances, buffers
provide a place for the data to live.
>Do you stick to their C API?
We use the C-API, and currently use the buffer object too. Using the
buffer object has always seemed like a necessary evil, but having
reviewed numarray usage of buffer(), ditching it sounds good to me.
>Do you use the
>Python-level buffer() function?
Yes. We go one step further, and expose writeable buffers using our own
extension function. I had a feeling I was on thin ice when I did this.
>If the latter, what do you do in Python
>code with a buffer object after you get one? The only use I've seen made of
>a buffer object in Python code is as a way to trick the interpreter into
>crashing (via recycling the memory the buffer object points to).
I'm getting the following things by using the buffer object:
1. Knowledge that the C-type the buffer refers to meets the buffer C-API.
2. Mutable string behavior for any object which meets the buffer C-API.
3. Storage. At least we used to get storage until we found out that
there's no guarantee on double alignment.
I plan to work around each of these uses as follows:
1. Create an extension function which determines whether an object
meets the buffer C-API.
2. Create an extension function which copies from one buffer region to
another buffer region.
3. We already have our own memory object which is now typically
referenced by a buffer object. With the above extensions, I don't need
a buffer "wrapper" object around it anymore.
>And from where do you get a buffer? There are darned few types in Python
We get ours from mmap and our own homegrown memory object.
>that buffer() accepts as an argument. Do your extension types implement
>tp_as_buffer? I'm blindly casting for a reason why your appreciation of the
>buffer object seems unique.
Numarray uses buffer() too, but dumping it sounds OK.
Todd Miller
Space Telescope Science Institute