[Python-Dev] Single- vs. Multi-pass iterability

Guido van Rossum guido@python.org
Wed, 17 Jul 2002 17:21:26 -0400

> __iter__ is a red herring.  It has nothing to do with the act of
> iterating.  It exists only to support the use of "for" directly
> on the iterator.  Iterators that currently implement "next" but
> not "__iter__" will work in some places and not others.  For
> example, given this:
>     class Counter:
>         def __init__(self, last):
>             self.i = 0
>             self.last = last
>         def next(self):
>             self.i += 1
>             if self.i > self.last: raise StopIteration
>             return self.i
>     class Container:
>         def __init__(self, size):
>             self.size = size
>         def __iter__(self):
>             return Counter(self.size)
> This will work:
>     >>> for x in Container(3): print x
>     ...
>     1
>     2
>     3
> But this will fail:
>     >>> for x in Counter(3): print x
>     ...
>     Traceback (most recent call last):
>       File "<stdin>", line 1, in ?
>     TypeError: iteration over non-sequence
> It's more accurate to say that there are two distinct protocols here.
> 1.  An object is "for-able" if it implements __iter__ or __getitem__.
>     This is a subset of the sequence protocol.
> 2.  An object can be iterated if it implements next.
> The Container supports only protocol 1, and the Counter supports
> only protocol 2, with the above results.
> Iterators are currently asked to support both protocols.  The
> semantics of iteration come only from protocol 2; protocol 1 is
> an effort to make iterators look sorta like sequences.  But the
> analogy is very weak -- these are "sequences" that destroy
> themselves while you look at them -- not like any typical
> sequence i've ever seen!
> The short of it is that whenever any Python programmer says
> "for x in y", he or she had better be darned sure of whether
> this is going to destroy y.  Whatever we can do to make this
> clear would be a good idea.

This is a very good summary of the two iterator protocols.  Ping,
would you mind adding this to PEP 234?

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)