[Python-Dev] PEP 292-related: why string substitution is not the same operation as data formatting
Barry A. Warsaw
Sun, 23 Jun 2002 20:03:37 -0400
>>>>> "LM" == Lalo Martins <lalo@laranja.org> writes:
LM> Also, if you keep your templates (let's call a string
LM> containing substitution markup a template, shall we?) outside
LM> your source code, as is the case with i18n, pure substitution
LM> doesn't require the people who edit them (for example,
LM> translators) to know anything about python *or* even
LM> programming.
It isn't always done that way though. See Francois's very good
followup describing gettext vs. catgets.
LM> Now, data formatting is another animal entirely. It's a way to
LM> request one specific representation of a piece of data.
I agree!