[Python-Dev] Priority queue (binary heap) python code
Kevin O'Connor
Mon, 24 Jun 2002 21:33:18 -0400
I often find myself needing priority queues in python, and I've finally
broken down and written a simple implementation. Previously I've used
sorted lists (via bisect) to get the job done, but the heap code
significantly improves performance. There are C based implementations, but
the effort of compiling in an extension often isn't worth the effort. I'm
including the code here for everyone's amusement.
Any chance something like this could make it into the standard python
library? It would save a lot of time for lazy people like myself. :-)
def heappush(heap, item):
pos = len(heap)
while pos:
parentpos = (pos - 1) / 2
parent = heap[parentpos]
if item <= parent:
heap[pos] = parent
pos = parentpos
heap[pos] = item
def heappop(heap):
endpos = len(heap) - 1
if endpos <= 0:
return heap.pop()
returnitem = heap[0]
item = heap.pop()
pos = 0
while 1:
child2pos = (pos + 1) * 2
child1pos = child2pos - 1
if child2pos < endpos:
child1 = heap[child1pos]
child2 = heap[child2pos]
if item >= child1 and item >= child2:
if child1 > child2:
heap[pos] = child1
pos = child1pos
heap[pos] = child2
pos = child2pos
if child1pos < endpos:
child1 = heap[child1pos]
if child1 > item:
heap[pos] = child1
pos = child1pos
heap[pos] = item
return returnitem
| Kevin O'Connor "BTW, IMHO we need a FAQ for |
| kevin@koconnor.net 'IMHO', 'FAQ', 'BTW', etc. !" |