[Python-Dev] PEP 273 - Import from Zip Archives

Michael Hudson mwh@python.net
01 Mar 2002 09:24:49 +0000

"Gordon McMillan" <gmcm@hypernet.com> writes:

> In the context of python-dev, iu is, I think, useful
> because it (a) emulates nearly exactly Python's
> import rules and (b) it does so in a nicely OO
> framework with some interesting facilities. In
> other words, as a model of what some future
> revamp of c import might be.

Would it be possible to rewrite the import.c code as a new-style
claass/type and then allow inheriting from it in Python?  This might
allow you to slightly overcome the "having to do it all" problem.

Or maybe I'm just being silly.


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