[Python-Dev] setup.py deleting files (Was: SSL support in _socket)
Michael Hudson
01 Mar 2002 13:37:51 +0000
Martin von Loewis <loewis@informatik.hu-berlin.de> writes:
> Michael Hudson <mwh@python.net> writes:
> > > Can we just rename them? I.e. bsddbmodule-failed.so
> >
> > So long as it's bsddbmodule_failed.so, +1.
> >
> > It shouldn't be difficult.
> +1.
It's about this hard, in fact:
Index: setup.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/dist/src/setup.py,v
retrieving revision 1.82
diff -c -r1.82 setup.py
*** setup.py 16 Feb 2002 18:23:29 -0000 1.82
--- setup.py 1 Mar 2002 13:35:04 -0000
*** 176,188 ****
except ImportError, why:
if 1:
! self.announce('*** WARNING: removing "%s" since importing it'
' failed: %s' % (ext.name, why))
assert not self.inplace
! fullname = self.get_ext_fullname(ext.name)
! ext_filename = os.path.join(self.build_lib,
! self.get_ext_filename(fullname))
! os.remove(ext_filename)
# XXX -- This relies on a Vile HACK in
# distutils.command.build_ext.build_extension(). The
--- 176,187 ----
except ImportError, why:
if 1:
! self.announce('*** WARNING: renaming "%s" since importing it'
' failed: %s' % (ext.name, why))
assert not self.inplace
! basename, tail = os.path.splitext(ext_filename)
! newname = basename + "_failed" + tail
! os.rename(ext_filename, newname)
# XXX -- This relies on a Vile HACK in
# distutils.command.build_ext.build_extension(). The
One little point (or I'd have checked it in already): should we make
efforts to not install the _failed.so turds?
C is not clean -- the language has _many_ gotchas and traps, and
although its semantics are _simple_ in some sense, it is not any
cleaner than the assembly-language design it is based on.
-- Erik Naggum, comp.lang.lisp