[Python-Dev] Psyco testing results

Itamar Shtull-Trauring twisted@itamarst.org
Fri, 01 Mar 2002 18:16:05 -0500

I downloaded psyco yesterday and did some tests (Python 2.1, P3/866). It 

Basically, the key point is that you need to psyco.bind on the right 
functions. Doing psyco.gc() just slows things down. It takes a bit of 
testing to find out which functions to do it on.

pystone without psyco: 9000
pystone with psyco: 32000!!! (I did psyco.bind(Proc0) in psytone.py)
pystone with psyco.gc(): 4500

So pystone can speed things up by a factor of 3 on meaningless benchmarks ;)

I also got a small speedup in twisted.web - 305-320 hits/second instead 
of 275-285 hits/second, by doing psyco.bind on the function that runs 
select.select() (Twisted's equivalent of asyncore.poll()).