[Python-Dev] datetime +/- scalars (int, long, float)?

Neal Norwitz neal@metaslash.com
Sun, 03 Mar 2002 09:29:01 -0500

Would it be good to allow adding/subtracting scalars (int, long, float) 
to/from date/times?  The scalar value would be # of seconds.

	dt = datetime() # some date/time
	dt + 5   # would add 5 seconds
	dt + 5.3 # would add 5 seconds 300000 usecs

If so, attached is a patch.

Index: sandbox/datetime/datetime.py
RCS file: /cvsroot/python/python/nondist/sandbox/datetime/datetime.py,v
retrieving revision 1.22
diff -w -u -r1.22 datetime.py
--- sandbox/datetime/datetime.py        3 Mar 2002 06:11:54 -0000       1.22
+++ sandbox/datetime/datetime.py        3 Mar 2002 14:26:19 -0000
@@ -590,6 +590,13 @@
             result.__microsecond = us
             result.__tzoffset = self.__tzoffset
             return result
+        elif isinstance(other, (int, long)):
+            return self + timedelta(0, other)
+        elif isinstance(other, float):
+            # XXX not sure if float needs it's own condition or
+            # XXX should work the same as int/long
+            ss, us = divmod(other, 1000000)
+            return self + timedelta(0, ss, int(us))
         return NotImplemented
     __radd__ = __add__
@@ -598,6 +605,13 @@
         "Subtract two datetimes, or a datetime and a timedelta."
         if isinstance(other, timedelta):
             return self + -other
+        elif isinstance(other, (int, long)):
+            return self + -timedelta(0, other)
+        elif isinstance(other, float):
+            # XXX not sure if float needs it's own condition or
+            # XXX should work the same as int/long
+            ss, us = divmod(other, 1000000)
+            return self + -timedelta(0, ss, int(us))
         if isinstance(other, datetime):
             days1 = self.toordinal()
             days2 = other.toordinal()