[Python-Dev] datetime +/- scalars (int, long, float)?

Tim Peters tim.one@comcast.net
Wed, 06 Mar 2002 00:03:02 -0500

[Guido, on "naive time"]
> ...
> Naive time calculations are easier than local time calculations,
> because they don't have to worry about DST.  You only have to be
> careful when converting between naive time and UTC (or anything else
> that has a concept of timezone).

> Just to let you know: you are slowly narrowing in on mxDateTime ;-)
> (the naive type is pretty much what I have implemented as
> DateTime object).

It's not *that* slowly -- this started less than a week ago <wink>.  But,
yes, Guido's basic class is heading more in the direction of what mxDateTime
started as.  By the time you had need of documenting things like

    Adding/Subtracting DateTime instances causes the result to
    inherit the calendar of the left operand.

I think "naive time" got lost in the options.  Guido has in mind a pure
"proleptic Gregorian" gimmick.  We'll see how long that lasts ...