[Python-Dev] For review: PEP 285: Adding a bool type
Tim Peters
Sat, 09 Mar 2002 01:37:51 -0500
> ... (I've seen lots of code defining constants True and False or
> variations), what's missing is a standard way so everybody can do it
> the same way.
That's what drove C99 to standardize a bool type. Indeed, Python may be the
only non-trivial C project I've worked on that didn't #define its own
boolean gimmick for internal use.
I'd like to note too that a Boolean concept is needed all over the place,
despite that it's not an official type. It shows up in docstrings even now:
>>> print hasattr.__doc__
hasattr(object, name) -> Boolean
>>> import os
>>> print os.isatty.__doc__
isatty(fd) -> Boolean
That's not an exhaustive list, just a tease.