[Python-Dev] Next version of PEP278 - universal newline support - available

Jon Ribbens jon+python-dev@unequivocal.co.uk
Fri, 15 Mar 2002 17:48:33 +0000

Guido van Rossum <guido@python.org> wrote:
> > Please don't change this. The reason I use Python is because it
> > Does What You Tell It To, unlike certain other languages with the same
> > initial. If you make the standard simple form of the open() call,
> > i.e. open(filename) start doing weird shit to files that is a big step
> > down the Dark Path to Perlishness. Please leave open() like it is and
> > make a new mode specifier for doing new things.
> > 
> > (And yes I know on Windows it already does stupid things, but that's
> > the operating system's fault not the language.)
> Sounds like a rather parochial attitude, if you ask me.

Huh? It's nothing to do with parochialism, it's to do with wanting
what you read from a file to be what's in the file.

> Maybe you can try again without calling names.

Huh? You're confusing me. I didn't call anyone any names.