[Python-Dev] A Hygienic Macro System in Python?

Guido van Rossum guido@python.org
Mon, 18 Mar 2002 16:45:09 -0500

> I find using 'unless' makes some things more readable.

Here our ways part (see Jeremy's post) :-).

> Perhaps, perhaps not. Did the addition of hygienic macros to Scheme
> make it an entirely different language?

How would I know?  I've never used Scheme.  (Note: you don't score
points in the Python world by admiring Scheme. :-)

> ...
> I don't think it would be possible to add hygienic macros to C/C++,
> and I think it would be a bad idea adding pre-processor-based macros
> to Python. However, Scheme and Dylan both provide high-level
> environments where macro systems have been instituted and tools
> created to successfully debug code using them. The really issue is
> comparing Python to Lisp/Scheme/Dylan, and seeing where it's dichotomy
> between runtime and compile time leave the programmer.

I'd like to see more real use cases then.

> ...
> Well, adding any type of macro system will add compile time
> complexity. The question is whether or not the benefits make that
> extra complexity worth-while.

More use cases please!  (Unless you give up now. :-)

--Guido van Rossum (home page: http://www.python.org/~guido/)