[Python-Dev] Re: PEP 282 comments
Kevin Butler
Fri, 22 Mar 2002 11:22:55 -0700
Following up on my own message:
[Kevin Butler]
> the "simple subclass" now just needs to override _log to do
> advanced things with other optional arguments.
I realized that this is a significant issue. In library design,
the "Open-Closed" principle is really important - the code
should be open to extension, but is closed to modification.
By adding the **kwargs to the convenience methods,
the Logger opens itself to change and enables all subclasses
to extend the interface by overriding _log with more keyword
arguments. Without **kwargs, subclasses have to override
_log and every one of the convenience methods (1.5K of duplicated code).
Setting-myself-up-for-YAGNI-ly y'rs,